Welcome to Croyland Car Megastore

Welcome to Croyland Car Megastore, the number one destination for an extensive selection of quality used vehicles from the world’s leading manufacturers in Northamptonshire. Whether you're in the market for a premium Audi, a versatile BMW, a family-friendly Ford, or an innovative Tesla, we've got you covered. Our inventory includes more than 200 carefully selected vehicles, ensuring that you can find the perfect match for your driving needs and budget. Choose from a wide range of popular models produced by brands like Citroën, Hyundai, Kia, Land Rover, Nissan, Renault, SEAT, ŠKODA, Toyota, Vauxhall, Volkswagen and Volvo.

At Croyland Car Megastore in Rushden, we recognise that modern driving demands innovation. That's why we offer a selection of electric and hybrid vehicles, giving you the opportunity to explore more sustainable and environmentally friendly driving options. Whether you're looking to lower your carbon footprint or simply enjoy the cutting-edge technology these vehicles provide, we have choices to suit your lifestyle.

Looking for more than a car? We also sell a range of first-rate pre-owned campervans and motorhomes, perfect for those looking to explore the open road and embark on new adventures. Whether you're planning a weekend getaway or an extended vacation, our range of well-maintained motorhomes will meet your travel needs.

Our services go beyond selling and hiring vehicles. We can buy your car too, helping you understand the current market value of your vehicle – whether you’re trading in or selling outright. In addition, we offer a variety of financing options, making it easier for you to drive away in the car of your dreams. With flexible terms and competitive rates, financing your vehicle has never been simpler.

For your peace of mind, we also provide a comprehensive range of aftersales solutions. From servicing to repairs, we ensure your vehicle stays in top condition, long after you’ve driven it off the lot.

Mark Swindells
General Manager Croyland Car Megastore