UPDATED 1st May 2020
During these uncertain times Croyland, like many other businesses, has had to look at alternative ways to continue operating whilst ensuring we always put the safety and confidence of our team and customers first.
In response to the latest government announcement car dealerships can sell cars online and deliver them during lockdown Croyland Car Megastore is pleased to announce how we are continuing to help and support all our customers with the introduction of some new contactless services available as of the 1st May.
Croyland remains open for business remotely and can now also offer a new package of Contactless Services.
Our team are here to help you to ensure you can continue to purchase online and also have access to virtual and contactless vehicle viewings with our new Croyland Contactless Viewing Area, which has launched today.
Although our showroom remains closed until further notice to ensure the health and safety of our community including our customers and colleagues, we are delighted to implement these new contactless services for our customers.
Croyland Car Megastore General Manager Mark Swindells said: “To ensure we provide a safe environment for our customers and staff and operate within the government guidelines on social distancing, we have introduced a specially designated contactless viewing area as part of our new range of Croyland Contactless Services.”
We are also delighted to be able to offer a new virtual appointments service so customers can book an appointment with one of our experienced team members who can talk you through all your options and show you around the vehicle virtually or alternatively send you a video of the vehicle’s interior/exterior so you can view vehicles in the comfort of your own home and don’t need to visit the site in person.
Customers can access our range of additional services including:
Our comprehensive website continues to be fully operational and accessible allowing you to continue to choose any of our vehicles available, get a part exchange valuation, conduct a free finance check, select and reserve a vehicle plus finance and buy online in full.
We are always on the end of the phone if you require any advice or help call a member of our team on 01933 413 415 or email us at sales@croylandcarmegastore.co.uk
Don’t forget you can also contact us via Facebook and we will be happy to respond to your questions and continue to offer our friendly, expert advice and help.
A final reminder that our onsite petrol station and SPAR shop remains open every day with revised opening hours in place which are 6am until 8pm (Mon - Fri) and 7am - 8pm (Sat and Sun).
Best Wishes,
Mark Swindells
General Manager
UPDATED 24th March 2020
Croyland Car Megastore Statement COVID-19 Update - Support and Help for our Customers
With the ongoing changes regarding the current COVID-19 situation and in response to the Government’s latest advice, Croyland Car Megastore has decided to close temporarily with immediate effect. However, our online services will continue. While we are shutting our physical doors you will still be able to browse, reserve and buy a vehicle online.
In order to keep essential products available for customers and our community our onsite petrol station and SPAR shop will stay open every day with a change to the opening hours which will be 6am until 8pm (Mon - Fri) and 7am - 8pm (Sat and Sun).
Our comprehensive website www.croylandcarmegastore.co.uk will continue to be fully operational and accessible allowing you to continue to choose any of our vehicles available, get a part exchange valuation, conduct a free finance check, select and reserve a vehicle plus finance and buy online in full.
We are on the end of the phone if you require any advice or help call a member of our team on 01933 413 415 or email us at sales@croylandcarmegastore.co.uk We will have reduced capacity to speak to you over the telephone but please be patient. We will also be available via our website live chat system.
Feel free to contact us via Facebook and we will be happy to respond to your questions and continue to offer our advice and help.
During this time we have also decided until further notice to change our reservation policy. Whereby once we receive your deposit we will then remove your selected vehicle from sale for the foreseeable future until you are in a position to complete the purchase transaction over the phone or at our showroom, once it reopens.
We appreciate our customers will have a lot of questions at this time and we have addressed some of those below.
What happens if I have already booked an appointment with a member of the Croyland team?
If you already have an appointment booked with us during the time the showroom is closed our team will not be able to conduct any handovers during this time (unless we have spoken to you today, 24.03.20 to make alternative arrangements). However rest assured your vehicle remains in safe hands here at Croyland and our team will be back in touch again soon to arrange a priority collection for you as soon as we know when we will be able to open again for business face to face with our customers.
Help - I am due to collect my vehicle on Tuesday, March 24th - what happens now?
Unfortunately, as we have had to temporarily close our showroom our Croyland colleagues will not be in a position to complete any handovers for customers however we will be in touch again to arrange this as soon as we reopen.
I have recently purchased a vehicle - what do I do now?
If you have recently purchased a vehicle from Croyland Car Megastore please contact the team on 01933 413 415.
What if I am a key worker?
Here at Croyland we recognise and appreciate all the key workers who continue to play such a vital role within our communities at this critical time.
If you are a key worker please contact us and we will do everything we can to assist you in a safe and compliant manner wherever possible.
We will look forward to the time we can open our doors fully again and welcome you back to the business.
Best Wishes,
Mark Swindells
General Manager